Appendix A.2 - Reading Certificate Using Python Script

Perform the following steps to read the device certificate from the RNWF11 board using a python script.
  1. Open command prompt and navigate to the folder where is downloaded.
    Note: The utility is part of the package at the RNWF11 product web page.
  2. Enter the command python
    1. Before entering this command, make sure to install python and add its path in environment variables.
    2. In the python script, set COM_PORT to the port number on which the RNWF11 is connected.
  3. The “Common name” of the device, which serves as the serial number will be displayed on the screen after the string +ECCRDSER:18,. Make a note of this common name.
  4. The device certificate, COMMON_NAME.crt (example, sn012362DA8ABEC97F01.crt) will be stored in the same folder. Save it for future use.
    Following is a screenshot of the output when the python script is executed.
    Figure . Reading Certificate Using Python Script