Appendix A.6 - OOB Connectivity With AWS Server Using AT Command

All the RNWF11 Add On boards are pre-registered with an AWS server “”. Perform the following steps to connect to the AWS server.

  1. Download the Device certificate of the RNWF11 device using either the python script (refer to the Appendix A.2 - Reading Certificate Using Python Script) or the AT commands (refer to the Appendix A.3 - Reading Certificate Using AT Command)
  2. Open the downloaded certificate on the PC and click the tab “Details”.
  3. Scroll down in the Details tab and check for the “Subject Key Identifier”.
    Figure . Certificate - Details Tab
  4. On the RNWF11 Add On board, perform the following:
    1. Run the following commands to set the SNTP configuration:
      1. AT+SNTPC=3,""
      2. AT+SNTPC=2,1
      3. AT+SNTPC=1
    2. Run the following commands to set the TLS configuration:
      1. AT+TLSC=1,1,"AmazonRootCA1"
      2. AT+TLSC=1,5,""
      3. AT+TLSC=1,8,1
    3. Run the following commands to set the Home AP configuration:
      1. AT+WSTAC=1,"MCHP.IOT"
        • Change the SSID and security credentials based on the user’s setup.
        • Ensure that the RNWF11 Add On board has sufficient time from the NTP server before issuing the MQTT commands. The +TIME output from the RNWF11 firmware indicates that firmware has received the time from the SNTP server.
      2. AT+WSTAC=2,3
      3. AT+WSTAC=3,"microchip"
      4. AT+WSTAC=4,0
      5. AT+WSTA=1
    4. Run the following commands to set the MQTT Broker related configuration:
      1. AT+MQTTC=1,""
      2. AT+MQTTC=2,8883
      3. AT+MQTTC=3,"c5ead4c1c11bf48b400eaf4326fdbc73d948f687"
        Note: The MQTT Client ID needs to be the “Subject Key Identifier” in the device certificate.
      4. AT+MQTTC=7,1
      5. AT+MQTTC=6,60
      6. AT+MQTTCONN=1