37.4.43 I3CxCCC

  1. The Controller determines the value of this register by issuing any CCC. In addition to this field being updated, a supported CCC sets the SCCCIF flag and an unsupported CCC sets the UCCCIF flag. The flags are set for all Broadcast CCCs and only for those Direct CCCs that address the Target.
Name: I3CxCCC
Address: 0x0B3, 0x0E6

Received CCC

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – CCC[7:0]  Received CCC Value

The value of this field is the Command Code of the most recently received CCC whether it is supported or not. Refer to the Supported CCCs section for a list of all supported CCCs.

The Controller determines the value of this register by issuing any CCC. In addition to this field being updated, a supported CCC sets the SCCCIF Supported CCC Received Interrupt Flag(***, ***) flag and an unsupported CCC sets the UCCCIF Unsupported CCC Received(1, ***) flag. The flags are set for all Broadcast CCCs and only for those Direct CCCs that address the Target.