37.4.32 I3CxPID4

  1. To guarantee expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN = 0).
Name: I3CxPID4
Address: 0x0A6, 0x0D9

Provisional ID 4

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:1 – PID[39:33]  Provisional ID, MIPI Manufacturer ID

Lower 7 bits of 16-bit MIPI Manufacturer ID

Bit 0 – PID32  Provisional ID, Type Selector

1 The lower 32 bits of Provisional ID (PID[31:0] bits) are determined randomly by the user software
0 The lower 32 bits of Provisional ID (PID[31:0] bits) are determined by the vendor
To guarantee expected behavior, this register should only be written when the module is disabled (EN Target Enable = 0).