FFLTSYN SFR Description

This register contains Simple Parity and ECC Parity status. For reads the values are post fault injection but for writes they are pre-fault injection.

Note: In Capture Mode faults are not injected.


SEC Syndrome represents the bitwise XOR of SECIN and SECOUT. SECSYN is not valid for any write or Simple Parity mode.


DED Syndrome represents the overall parity from all data bits, SEC Parity bits and the DED Parity bit read from Flash. DEDSYN is not valid for any write or Simple Parity mode.


Double Error and Single Error status indicate the read state of the data: No Error, Single Error, or Double Error. The Error Decode table shows how DEDSYN and SECSYN determine their values. These bits are not valid for any write or Simple Parity mode.


Control Error indicates the single bit error status of the CTL[2:0] field. CERR is only meaningful for reads in Dynamic ECC or Bypass ECC modes.


CTLSTAT[2:0] reports the read value of the CTL [2:0] field stored in Flash for the addressed (FLTADR) Flash word (256-bit data). CTLSTAT is only meaningful for reads in Dynamic ECC or Bypass ECC modes.


Parity Error captures the difference between each word’s read parity and its calculated parity. The word size is dependent on the Flash and is either 32-bit or 64-bit. PERR[0] represents the error status of the lowest addressed word in of the Flash read, while PERR[3] is for the highest addressed word. PERR is only meaningful for reads in Dynamic ECC or Bypass ECC modes.