Figure 4-90. MAC-Based VLAN Membership ConfigurationThe MAC-based VLAN Membership Configuration page has the following parameters:
Delete: To delete a MAC to VLAN ID mapping entry, check this box and press save. The entry will be deleted in the stack.
MAC Address: Indicates the MAC address of the mapping.
VLAN ID: Indicates the VLAN ID the above MAC will be mapped to.
Port Members: A row of check boxes for each port is displayed for each MAC to VLAN ID mapping entry. To include a port in the mapping, check the box. To remove or exclude the port from the mapping, make sure the box is unchecked. By default, no ports are members, and all boxes are unchecked.
Add New Entry:
To add a new MAC to VLAN ID mapping entry, click Add New Entry. An empty row is added to the table, and the mapping can be configured as needed.
Any unicast MAC address can be used to configure the mapping.
No broadcast or multicast MAC addresses are allowed.
Legal values for a VLAN ID are 1-4095.
The MAC to VLAN ID entry is enabled when you click Save. A mapping without any port members will not be added when you click Save. The Delete button is used to undo the addition of new mappings. The maximum possible MAC to VLAN ID mapping entries are limited to 256.
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