4.25.2 Protocol-Based VLAN
This section describes the Protocol to Group and Group to VLAN configurations.
Protocol to Group
The following figure shows the Protocol to Group Mapping Table page.
The list of parameters in the page is as follows:
- Delete: To delete a Protocol to Group Name map entry, check this box. The entry will be deleted from the switch during the next Save.
- Frame Type: Frame Type can
have one of the following values:
- Ethernet
Note: When changing the Frame type field, the valid value of the following text field will vary depending on the new frame type you selected. - Value: Valid value that can be entered in this text field depends on the
option selected from the preceding Frame Type selection menu. Below are the
criteria for the three different Frame Types:
- Ethernet: Value in the text field when Ethernet is selected as a Frame Type is called etype. Valid values for etype range between 0x0600 and 0xffff
- LLC: Valid value in this case is comprised of two different sub-values. a. DSAP: 1-byte long string (0x00-0xff) b. SSAP: 1-byte long string (0x00-0xff)
- SNAP: Valid value in this case is also comprised of two different sub-values. a. OUI: OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) is a parameter in the format of xx-xx-xx where each pair (xx) in the string is a hexadecimal value ranging between 0x00 and 0xff. b. PID: PID (Protocol ID). If OUI is hexadecimal 000000, then the protocol ID is the Ethernet type (EtherType) field value for the protocol running on top of SNAP; if OUI is an OUI for a particular organization, the protocol ID is a value assigned by that organization to the protocol running on top of SNAP. In other words, if the value of OUI field is 00-00-00 then the value of PID will be etype (0x0600-0xffff) and if the value of OUI is other than 00-00-00 then valid values of PID will be any value between 0x0000 and 0xffff.
- Group Name: A valid Group
Name is a 16-character long string, unique for every entry, which consists of a
combination of alphabets (a-z or A-Z) and integers (0-9). Note: Special characters and underscores (_) are not allowed.
- Add New Entry: To add a new entry in the mapping table, click Add New Entry. An empty row is added to the table, where Frame Type, Value, and the Group Name can be configured as needed. The Delete button can be used to undo the addition of new entry. The maximum possible Protocol to Group mappings are limited to 128.
Group to VLAN Configuration
The following figure shows the Group Name to VLAN Mapping Table configuration page.
The Group Name to VLAN Mapping Configuration page has the following parameters:
- Delete: To delete a Group Name to VLAN mapping, check this box. The entry will be deleted from the switch during the next Save.
- Group Name: Frame Type can have one of the following values: A valid Group Name is a string, at the most 16 characters long, which consists of a combination of alphabets (a-z or A-Z) and integers (0-9) with no special characters allowed. You may either use a Group that already includes one or more protocols (see Protocol to Group mappings), or create a Group to VLAN ID mapping that will become active the moment you add one or more protocols inside that Group. Furthermore, the Group to VLAN ID mapping is not unique, as long as the port lists of these mappings are mutually exclusive (e.g. Group1 can be mapped to VID 1 on port#1 and to VID 2 on port#2).
- VLAN ID: Indicates the VLAN ID to which the Group Name will be mapped. A valid VLAN ID ranges 1-4095.
- Port Members: A row of check boxes for each port is displayed for each Group Name to VLAN ID mapping. To include a port in the mapping, check the box. To remove or exclude the port from the mapping, make sure the box is unchecked. By default, no ports are members, and all boxes are unchecked.
- Adding a new Group to VLAN mapping entry: Click the Add New Entry button to add a new entry in the mapping table. An empty row is added to the table and the Group Name, VLAN ID and port members can be configured as needed. Legal values for a VLAN ID are 1-4095 The Delete button can be used to undo the addition of new entry. The maximum possible Group to VLAN mappings are limited to 256.