User Customized Service

The Bluetooth SIG defines public profiles, services and characteristics. The SIG publishes the specifications and requires conformance testing for any device using a public profile to ensure interoperability between Bluetooth devices.

For use cases not covered by public service, Bluetooth allows the creation of a private service. The RNBD451 module provides private and public services/characteristics in a GATT server and can work with private service/characteristics in a GATT client role.

Note: All Bluetooth-adopted public service/characteristics have a 16-bit short UUID. All private services/characteristics use a 128-bit long UUID.

The user can use PS and PC commands to add customized services and their characteristics. The PDS saves all the customized services, and they are effective immediately; they are still effective after reboot or power cycle. After defining all the services, the user must execute the SI command to notify the event subscriber that there are changes in the existing service, and those changes are effective immediately.

If the user prefers to use default and custom services at the same time, the default service must be defined first by command SS before using any service configuration commands.

Command SS allows the user to enable/disable the built-in services.

Before defining the GATT service, the user must have basic knowledge about GATT service. For more details on GATT service basic knowledge, refer to Appendix A. Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals.