Read Local Characteristic Value (SHR,<hex16>)

Format: SHR,<hex16>

The command SHR reads the content of the GATT service characteristic on the local device by addressing its handle.

Command SHR takes one parameter, the 16-bit hex value of the handle, which corresponds to the server service characteristic. The user must find a match between the handle and its characteristic UUID by using command LS.

This command is effective with or without an active connection. Reading the content of a characteristic locally is always permitted regardless of the characteristic property. Only use the characteristic property for remote access. The value returned is retrieved from the local device and equals what was written recently.

Example: SHR,001A

// Read the local content of characteristic with handle 0x001A

Response: <Value read> // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter
N/A // Value is not assigned