Read Remote Characteristic Value (CHR,<hex16>,<hex16>)

Format: CHR,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>

The command CHR reads the content of the GATT service characteristic on the remote device by addressing its handle.

Command CHR takes two parameters. The first parameter indicates the handle value (16-bit hex value) of the characteristic in a particular server service. The second parameter is a 16-bit hex value that indicates the Bluetooth Low Energy link connection handle. The user must find a match between the handle and its characteristic UUID by using the command LC.

This command is effective under the following conditions:

  • An active connection with peer exists.
  • The command CI starts the client operation.
  • The handle parameter is valid and the corresponding characteristic is readable according to its property.

The value returned is retrieved from the remote peer device.

Example: CHR,001A,0071

// Read the content of the characteristic with the handle 0x001A from the remote device, and the connection handle is 0x0071

Response: <Value read> // Success

// Syntax error, invalid parameter, not connected or characteristic not readable

%ERR_READ% // Status string