Function rww_eeprom_emulator_write_buffer()

Writes a buffer of data to the emulated RWW EEPROM memory space.

enum status_code rww_eeprom_emulator_write_buffer( const uint16_t offset, const uint8_t *const data, const uint16_t length)

Writes a buffer of data to a section of emulated RWW EEPROM memory space. The source buffer may be of any size, and the destination may lie outside of an emulated RWW EEPROM page boundary.

Note: Data stored in pages may be cached in volatile RAM memory; to commit any cached data to physical non-volatile memory, the rww_eeprom_emulator_commit_page_buffer() function should be called.
Table 29-9. Parameters
Data directionParameter nameDescription



Starting byte offset to write to, in emulated RWW EEPROM memory space



Pointer to the data buffer containing source data to write



Length of the data to write, in bytes


Status code indicating the status of the operation.

Table 29-10. Return Values
Return valueDescription


If the page was successfully read


If the RWW EEPROM emulator is not initialized


If an address outside the valid emulated RWW EEPROM memory space was supplied