33.2.7 ADC Conversion Procedure (Basic Mode)

This is an example procedure for using the ADC to perform an Analog-to-Digital Conversion:

  1. Configure the Port:
    1. Disable the pin output driver (Refer to the TRISx register)
    2. Configure the pin as analog (Refer to the ANSELx register)
  2. Configure the ADC module:
    1. Select the ADC conversion clock
    2. Configure the voltage reference
    3. Select the ADC input channel (precharge+acquisition)
    4. Turn on ADC module
  3. Configure the ADC interrupt (optional):
    1. Clear the ADC interrupt flag
    2. Enable the ADC interrupt
    3. Enable the peripheral interrupt (PEIE bit)
    4. Enable the global interrupt (GIE bit)(1)
  4. If ADACQ = 0, software must wait the required acquisition time(2).
  5. Start the conversion by setting the ADGO bit.
  6. Wait for the ADC conversion to complete by one of the following:
    1. Polling the ADGO bit
    2. Waiting for the ADC interrupt (interrupts enabled)
  7. Read the ADC Result.
  8. Clear the ADC interrupt flag (required if interrupt is enabled).
  1. With global interrupts disabled, the device will wake from Sleep but will not enter an Interrupt Service Routine.
  2. Refer to ADC Acquisition Requirements.

ADC Conversion (assembly)

; This code block configures the ADC for polling, Vdd and Vss references,
; FRC oscillator, and AN0 input.
; Conversion start & polling for completion are included.

    clrf    ADCON1      ;
    clrf    ADCON2      ; Legacy mode, no filtering, ADRES->ADPREV
    clrf    ADCON3      ; no math functions
    clrf    ADREF       ; Vref = Vdd & Vss
    clrf    ADPCH       ; select RA0/AN0
    clrf    ADACQ       ; software controlled acquisition time
    clrf    ADCAP       ; default S&H capacitance
    clrf    ADRPT       ; no repeat measurements
    clrf    ADACT       ; auto-conversion disabled
    movlw   B'10010100' ; ADC On, right-justified, FRC clock
    movwf   ADCON0
    BANKSEL TRISA       ;
    bsf     TRISA,0     ; Set RA0 to input
    BANKSEL ANSEL       ;
    bsf     ANSEL,0     ; Set RA0 to analog
    call    SampleTime  ; Acquisiton delay
    bsf     ADCON0,ADGO ; Start conversion
    btfsc   ADCON0,ADGO ; Is conversion done?
    goto    $-2         ; No, test again
    movf    ADRESH,W    ; Read upper 2 bits
    movwf   RESULTHI    ; store in GPR space
    movf    ADRESL,W    ; Read lower 8 bits
    movwf   RESULTLO    ; Store in GPR space	

ADC Conversion (C)

/*This code block configures the ADC
for polling, VDD and VSS references, ADCRC
oscillator and AN0 input.
Conversion start & polling for completion
are included.
    void main() {
        //System Initialize

        //Setup ADC
        ADCON0bits.FM = 1;      //right justify
        ADCON0bits.CS = 1;      //FRC Clock
        ADPCH = 0x00;           //RA0 is Analog channel
        TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 1;   //Set RA0 to input
        ANSELAbits.ANSELA0 = 1; //Set RA0 to analog
        ADCON0bits.ON = 1;      //Turn ADC On

    while (1) {
        ADCON0bits.GO = 1;     //Start conversion
        while (ADCON0bits.GO); //Wait for conversion done
        resultHigh = ADRESH;   //Read result
        resultLow = ADRESL;    //Read result