10.8.3 WDTPSL

WWDT Prescale Select Low Register (Read-Only)
  1. The 18-bit WDT prescale value, PSCNT[17:0], includes the WDTPSL, WDTPSH and the lower two bits of the WDTTMR registers. PSCNT[17:0] is intended for debug operations and may be read during normal operation.
Address: 0xECF

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – PSCNTL[7:0]  Prescale Select Low Byte bits(1)

The 18-bit WDT prescale value, PSCNT[17:0], includes the WDTPSL, WDTPSH and the lower two bits of the WDTTMR registers. PSCNT[17:0] is intended for debug operations and may be read during normal operation.