7.5 Write Protection

The AT34C04 incorporates a Reversible Software Write Protection (RSWP) feature that allows the ability to selectively write protect data stored in each of the four independent 128-byte EEPROM quadrants. Table 7-2 7-3 identifies the memory quadrant identifier with its associated quadrant, SPA and memory address locations.

The AT34C04 has three RSWP software commands:

  • Set RSWP command for setting the RSWP.
  • Clear RSWP command for resetting all of the quadrants to an unprotected state.
  • Read RSWP command for checking the RSWP status.
Table 7-2 7-3. Memory Organization
BlockSPAAddress LocationsMemory Quadrant Identifier
Quadrant 0000h to 7Fh001
Quadrant 1080h to FFh100
Quadrant 2100h to 7Fh101
Quadrant 3180h to FFh000