7.5.3 Read RSWP

The Read RSWP command allows the ability to check a quadrant’s write protection status. To find out if the software write protection has been set to a specific quadrant, the same procedure that was used to set the quadrant’s write protection can be utilized except that the R/W select bit is set to ‘1’, and the A0 pin is not required to have VHV (see Table 7-5).

The Read RSWP sequence requires sending a device address byte of ‘0110MMM1’ (where the ‘M’ represents the memory quadrant identifier for the quadrant to be read) with the R/W bit set to ‘1’ (see Figure 7-6).

If the RSWP has not been set, then the AT34C04 responds to the device address byte with an ACK. If the RSWP has been set, the AT34C04 responds with a NACK. In either case, both word address and data word bytes will not be acknowledged. The operation is completed by the master creating a Stop Condition. A summary of the response is shown in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4. Acknowledge When Reading Protection Status
Quadrant StatusInstruction SentInstruction ResponseWord Address SentWord Address ResponseData Word SentData Word Response
Write ProtectedRead RSWPNACKDon’t CareNACKDon’t CareNACK
Not ProtectedRead RSWPACKDon’t CareNACKDon’t CareNACK
Table 7-5. Read RSWP
FunctionPinDevice Address Byte
Device Type IdentifierMemory Quadrant IdentifierR/W Select
Read RSWP, Quadrant 0xx





Read RSWP, Quadrant 1xx1001
Read RSWP, Quadrant 2xx1011
Read RSWP, Quadrant 3xx0001
  1. X is ‘don’t care’, but it is recommend to be hard-wired to VCC or GND.
Figure 7-6. Read RSWP
  1. M is the memory quadrant identifier.
  2. X is ‘don’t care’.