File Read HIF Callback

typedef void (*tpfFileReadCb)
uint8    u8Status,
void    *pBuff,
uint32    u32Size
The callback is only executed after a file read via HIF messages and it receives three arguments.
  • The first argument is the status of the read, if the read is unsuccessful, then the other arguments will have irrelevant values.
  • The second argument is a pointer to the buffer of data read.
  • The third argument is size, which indicates the amount of data read and therefore contained in the buffer (maximum 128 bytes).

Specifying large amounts of data to be read via the HIF may exceed the buffer maximum size (128 bytes), therefore it is recommended to use u32Size to offset a second read from within this callback. This requires the application to track the total size of the file and the amount of bytes read, requesting the reading of each section at a time until the end of the file is reached.