8.2 Setting the WINC AP Mode

Set the WINC AP mode configuration parameters using the tstrM2MAPConfig structure.

There are two functions to enable/disable the WINC AP mode:

  • sint8 m2m_wifi_enable_ap (CONST tstrM2MAPConfig* pstrM2MAPConfig)
  • sint8 m2m_wifi_disable_ap (void)

For more details on API, refer to the Advanced Software Framework for ATWINC1500 (Wi-Fi).

In ATWINC1500 v19.6.1 firmware and above, to maintain backwards compatibility with older drivers, new structures and APIs were introduced.

To customize these fields when entering AP or provisioning mode, the tstrM2MAPModeConfig structure must be populated and passed to the new m2m_wifi_enable_ap_ext() or m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode_ext() APIs. The tstrM2MAPModeConfig structure contains the original tstrM2MAPConfig structure for storing the AP SSID, password and so on, and another tstrM2MAPConfigExt structure for configuring the default router, DNS server and subnet mask.