QSPI Timings

Timings are given in the following domains:
  • 1.8V domain: VDDIO from 1.7V to 1.95V, maximum external capacitor = 15 pF, DRV= 1, SR = 0
  • 3.3V domain: VDDIO from 3.00V to 3.6V, maximum external capacitor = 15 pF, DRV= 0, SR = 0

Table 58-20. QSPI Timings in Single Data Rate Mode(1)
QSPI0QIOx data in to QSCK rising edge (input setup time)3.3V domain1.2ns
1.8V domain1.1ns
QSPI1QIOx data in to QSCK rising edge (input hold time)3.3V domain0.2ns
1.8V domain0.2ns
QSPI2QSCK rising edge to QIOx data out valid3.3V domain01.4ns
1.8V domain01.9ns
QSPI3QIOx data in to QSCK falling edge (input setup time)3.3V domain1.1ns
1.8V domain1.1ns
QSPI4QIOx data in to QSCK falling edge (input hold time)3.3V domain0.5ns
1.8V domain0.4ns
QSPI5QSCK falling edge to QIOx data out valid3.3V domain01.3ns
1.8V domain01.6ns
  1. The data provided in this table are extracted from circuit simulation results.

In the following table:

  • tHCLK is the HCLK period.
  • k is 0.25 if fMCK = fQSCK and k=0.5 when fMCK ≥ fQSCK

Table 58-21. QSPI Timings in Double Data Rate Mode(1)
QSPI10QIOx data in to QSCK edge (rising or falling, input setup time)3.3V domain1.2ns
1.8V domain1.4ns
QSPI11QIOx data in to QSCK edge (rising or falling, input hold time)3.3V domain0.5ns
1.8V domain0.4ns
QSPI12QSCK edge (rising or falling) to QIOx data out valid3.3V domaink x THCLK -0.6k x THCLK + 1.5ns
1.8V domaink x THCLK - 0.8k x THCLK + 2.0ns
  1. The data provided in this table are extracted from circuit simulation results.