40.4.5 Receive Block

The receive block checks for valid preamble, FCS, alignment and length, presents received frames to the DMA block and stores the frames destination address for use by the address checking block. If, during frame reception, the frame is found to be too long or rx_er is asserted, a bad frame indication is sent to the DMA block. The DMA block then ceases sending data to memory. At the end of frame reception, the receive block indicates to the DMA block whether the frame is good or bad. The DMA block recovers the current receive buffer if the frame was bad. The receive block signals the register block to increment the alignment error, the CRC (FCS) error, the short frame, long frame, jabber error, the receive symbol error statistics and the length field mismatch statistics.

The enable bit for jumbo frames in the EMAC_NCFGR allows the EMAC to receive jumbo frames of up to 10240 bytes in size. This operation does not form part of the IEEE802.3 specification and is disabled by default. When jumbo frames are enabled, frames received with a frame size greater than 10240 bytes are discarded.