2 Ordering Information
- Devices in the WLCSP package include a factory programmed Bootloader. Contact your local Microchip sales office for more information.
- Devices can be factory programmed with securely key provisioned software. Contact your local Microchip sales office for more information.
- Optional KPH suffix indicates SAM L11 MCUs that are securely key provisioned with RoT (Root of Trust) flow and are supported with Kinibi-M™ Software Development Kit. KPH solution is only offered for TQFP and VQFN packages.
- The AEC-Q100 Grade 1 qualified version is only offered for TQFP and VQFN packages. VQFN packages have wettable flanks, and both TQFP and VQFN packages are assembled with gold bond wires.