14.10.5 Interrupt Interaction

The INTM bit controls the scanner’s response to interrupts depending on which mode the NVM scanner is in, as described in the following table.

Table 14-2. Scan Interrupt Modes
1Interrupt overrides SCANGO (to zero) to pause the burst and the interrupt handler executes at full speed; Scanner Burst resumes when interrupt completes.Scanner suspended during interrupt response (SCANGO = 0); interrupt executes at full speed and scan resumes when the interrupt is complete.This bit is ignored
0Interrupts do not override SCANGO, and the scan (burst) operation will continue; interrupt response will be delayed until scan completes (latency will be increased).Scanner accesses NVM during interrupt response.This bit is ignored

In general, if INTM = 0, the scanner will take precedence over the interrupt, resulting in decreased interrupt processing speed and/or increased interrupt response latency. If INTM = 1, the interrupt will take precedence and have a better speed, delaying the memory scan.