3.4.3 Listing-lhs-width2 Option

The --listing-lhs-width2=num option is used to set the maximum width of any further lines of the hex byte dump for a given input source line in the list file, where num is the number of words. If this value is not specified, it defaults to being the same as the value specified for --listing-lhs-width, or the value 1 if neither option is used. If the specified width is smaller than the first line, this option is ignored. The following lines are extracted from a listing. The output data column is in bold.

2 0000 54686973 	 .ascii "This is an example"
2      20697320
2      616E2065
2      78616D70
2      6C650000

If the option --listing-lhs-width2=3 is used, then the same line will appear as follows in the listing:

2 0000 54686973 	 .ascii "This is an example"
2      20697320 616E2065 78616D70
2      6C650000