3.4.4 Listing-rhs-width Option

The --listing-rhs-width=num option is used to set the maximum width in characters of the lines from the source file. By default, this is set to 100. The following lines are extracted from a listing that was created without using the --listing-rhs-width option. The text in bold are the lines from the source file.

2 0000 54686973 	 .ascii "This line is long"
2      206C696E
2      65206973
2      206C6F6E
2      67000000

If the option --listing-rhs-width 22 is used, then the same line will appear as follows in the listing:

2 0000 54686973 	 .ascii "This line is
2      206C696E
2      65206973
2      206C6F6E
2      67000000

The line is truncated (not wrapped) in the listing, but the data is still there.