3.4.5 Listing-cont-lines Option

The --listing-cont-lines=num option is used to set the maximum number of continuation lines used for the output data column of the listing. By default, this is 8. The following lines are extracted from a listing that was created without using the --listing-cont-lines option. The text in bold shows the continuation lines used for the output data column of the listing.

2 0000 54686973  .ascii "This is a long character
2      20697320
2      61206C6F
2      6E672063
2      68617261

Notice that the number of bytes displayed matches the number of bytes in the ASCII string; however, if the option --listing-cont-lines 2 is used, then the output data will be truncated after 2 continuation lines as shown below.

2 0000 54686973  .ascii "This is a long character
2      20697320
2      61206C6F