Socket Configuration Struct

Socket Configuration Struct

typedef struct {  
    uint32_t    sock_id;                /**<Socket ID */
    uint8_t     sock_keepalive;         /**<Keep-Alive option*/
    uint8_t     sock_nodelay;           /**<Socket NAGLE/NoDelay*/    

RNWF Socket Parameters Struct

typedef struct 
    SYS_RNWF_BIND_TYPE_t    bind_type;  	/**<Bind type of socket*/ 
    SYS_RNWF_SOCK_TYPE_t    sock_type;                /**<UDP or TCP socket type*/ 
    uint16_t            sock_port;          			 /**<Server or Client port number*/
    const char          *sock_addr; 		/**<Socket Address (IPv4 or IPv6   Address)*/	        
    uint32_t            sock_master;        	/**<Server Socket ID*/ 
    uint8_t             tls_conf; 		/**<TLS configuration */ 
    SYS_RNWF_NET_IP_TYPE_t  IP;	/**<Open socket with IPv4/IPv6 address */

Network Socket IP Configurations

typedef enum 
        SYS_RNWF_NET_IPV4 = 4,		/**<Open socket with IPv4 address */ 
        SYS_RNWF_NET_IPV6_LOCAL = 6,	/**<Open socket with IPv6 locak address */ 
        SYS_RNWF_NET_IPV6_GLOBAL = 6, /**<Open socket with IPv6 global address */