4.4.2 Transmitter Performance

The transmitter performance is tested under the following conditions:
  • VBAT = 3.3V
  • VDDIO = 3.3V
  • Temp = 25°C
The following table provides the transmitter performance characteristics for the ATWINC3400-MR210xA module.
Table 4-5. IEEE 802.11 Transmitter Performance Characteristics
Output power802.11b 1 Mbps16.7(1)dBm
802.11b 11 Mbps17.5(1)
802.11g OFDM 6 Mbps18.3(1)
802.11g OFDM 54 Mbps13.0(1)
802.11n HT20 MCS 0 (800 ns GI)17.5(1)
802.11n HT20 MCS 7 (800 ns GI)12.5 (1)(2)
TX power accuracy±1.5(3)dB
Carrier suppression30.0dBc
Harmonic output power (Radiated, Regulatory mode)2nd-41dBm/MHz
  1. Measured as per IEEE 802.11 specifications.
  2. The typical output power is 10 dBm only for channel-10 (2.457 GHz). Values mentioned in the preceding table are applicable for all the other channels.
  3. Measured after RF matching network.
  4. The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C. RF performance is ensured at a room temperature of 25°C with a 2-3 dB change at the boundary conditions.
  5. With respect to TX power, different (higher/lower) RF output power settings may be used for specific antennas and/or enclosures, in which case re-certification may be required.
  6. The availability of some specific channels and/or operational frequency bands are country-dependent and must be programmed at the host product factory to match the intended destination. Regulatory bodies prohibit exposing the settings to the end user. This requirement needs to be taken care of via the host implementation.
  7. The RF parameters for the ATWINC3400-MR210UA are approximately 1 dB less than the values in the table. This insertion loss accounts for PCB trace losses, and the filter network loss to the U.FL connector.