37.8.3 Endpoint 1-7 RX Count Registers

RXCOUNT is a read-only register that holds the number of data bytes in the packet currently in line to be read from the RXFIFO. If the packet was transmitted as multiple bulk packets, the number given will be for the combined packet.

Note: The value returned changes as the FIFO is unloaded and is only valid while RXPKTRDY (RXCSR.D0) is set.
Table 37-53. Register Bit Attribute Legend
RReadable bitHCCleared by Hardware(Grey cell)Unimplemented
WWritable bitHSSet by HardwareXBit is unknown at Reset
KWrite to clearSSoftware settable bit
Offset: 0x1018
Reset: 0x0000
Property: Read Only

Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRRRR 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 13:0 – ENDPOINTRXCOUNT[13:0]

The number of received data bytes in the Endpoint 0 FIFO. The value returned changes as the contents of the FIFO change and is only valid while the RXPKTRDY bit is set.