FUCFG9 - User Configuration Register 9 – BootROM Control Configuration

Name: FUCFG9

Offset: 0x0064
  • Factory Default: 0xFFFF_FFFF

Bit 9 BISR_RST_EN: RAM Built -In Self Repair Reset Control bit for BootROM

0BootROM will NOT issue a reset if a BISR error is detected.
1BootROM will issue a SWRST (software reset) if a BISR error is detected.

Bit 1 RAM_INIT_ENB: Enable RAM ECC Control bit for BootROM

0BootROM will disable TCM and MCRAMC ECC decoding. BootROM will NOT initialize SRAM for ECC.
1BootROM will enable TCM and MCRAMC ECC decoding. BootROM will also initialize ALL system memory with correct ECC.