3.4.5 Step 4: Instantiating SmartHLS IP Core in Libero® SmartDesign

After you use SmartHLS to design a hardware IP component, you can instantiate the component into Libero SmartDesign and integrate this core into our larger system. When SmartHLS generates the hardware, SmartHLS will also generate a create_hdl_plus.tcl script to easily instantiate the SmartHLS-generated IP core into Libero SmartDesign. You will see the Info message in the SmartHLS IDE console window, which includes the full path to the script:

Info: Generating HDL+ Tcl script to be imported in SmartDesign: C:\SmartHLS-2021.1.2\workspace\sobel_part3\create_hdl_plus.tcl.
  1. Open Libero SoC from the Start menu. Create a new Libero Project by selecting from the top menu: Project > New Project. Choose any project name and target PolarFire® FPGAs. In the new Libero project, create a new SmartDesign by double-clicking Create SmartDesign, as shown in the following figure. Choose any name in the Create New SmartDesign dialog.
    Figure 3-23. Create SmartDesign in Libero SoC.
  2. Go to the Libero Project menu and select Execute Script and give the path to the generated create_hdl_plus.tcl script, as shown in the following figure. Click on Run.
    Figure 3-24. Execute Tcl script to instantiate SmartHLS IP component into SmartDesign.

    Running the Tcl script will add the SmartHLS-generated HDL+ component sobel_filter_top and all required Verilog files, memory initialization files, and other dependencies to the Libero project. You must see the Execute Script command succeeded, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-25. Script Execution Report after Running SmartHLS SmartDesign Tcl Script.
  3. As shown in the following figure, you can now instantiate the component in SmartDesign by right-clicking on the sobel_filter_top HDL+ component in the Design Hierarchy panel on the left and selecting Instantiate in system. In the SmartDesign system, you will now see the new sobel_filter_top_0 IP component.
    Figure 3-26. SmartHLS IP Component instantiated inside SmartDesign

    Since the sobel_filter_top IP component used SmartHLS FIFOs as top-level arguments, SmartHLS has automatically grouped the output_fifo and input_fifo data/ready/valid ports as AXI4-Stream bus interfaces.

    You also have the option to expose the sub-signals under the AXI4-Stream bus. This will allow you to connect individual ports instead of the entire bus. To do this, right click on the AXI4-Stream bus on the SmartHLS-generated IP component and choose Show/Hide BIF Pins. Then choose the sub-signals as appropriate.

  4. Example: As shown in the following figure, you can right click the output_fifo_axi4stream bus and choose to Show/Hide BIF Pins, then you select all 3 pins and press OK. You will now see that the sobel_filter_top_0 IP component has an input pin for output_fifo_ready, an output pin for output_fifo[7:0], and an output pin for output_fifo_valid.
    Figure 3-27. Expose the individual pins contained in the output_fifo AXI4-Stream bus