Introduction to High-Level Synthesis

High-level synthesis (HLS) refers to the synthesis of a hardware circuit from a software program specified in a high-level language, where the hardware circuit performs the same functionality as the software program. For SmartHLS, the input is a C/C++-language program, and the output is a circuit specification in the Verilog hardware description language. The SmartHLS-generated Verilog can be given to Libero to be programmed on a Microchip FPGA. The underlying motivation for HLS is to raise the level of abstraction for hardware design, by allowing software methodologies to be used to design hardware. This can help to shorten design cycles, improve design productivity and reduce time-to-market.

While a detailed knowledge of HLS is not required to use SmartHLS, it is worthwhile to highlight the key steps involved in converting software to hardware. The four main steps involved in HLS are allocation, scheduling, binding, and RTL generation, which runs one after another (for example, binding runs after scheduling is done).

The allocation step defines the constraints on the generated hardware, including the number of hardware resources of a given type that are used (for example, how many divider units are used, the number of RAM ports and so on), as well as the target clock period for the hardware, and other user-supplied constraints.
Software programs are written without any notion of a clock or finite state machine (FSM). The scheduling step of HLS bridges this gap, by assigning the computations in the software to occur in specific clock cycles in hardware. With the user-provided target clock period constraint (for example, 10 ns) scheduling will assign operations into clock cycles such that the operations in each cycle does not exceed the target clock period, in order to meet the user constraint. In addition, the scheduling step will ensure that the data-dependencies between the operations are met.
While a software program contains an arbitrary number of operations of a given type (for example, multiplications), the hardware contains only a limited number of units capable of performing such a computation. The binding step of HLS is to associate (bind) each computation in the software with a specific unit in the hardware.
RTL generation
Using the analysis from the previous steps, the final step of HLS is to generate a description of the circuit in a hardware description language (Verilog).

Executing computations in hardware brings speed and energy advantages over performing the same computations in software running on a processor. The underlying reason for this is that the hardware is dedicated to the computational work being performed, whereas a processor is generic and has the inherent overheads of fetching/decoding instructions, loading/storing from/to memory, etc. Further acceleration is possible by exploiting hardware parallelism, where computations can concurrently. With SmartHLS, one can exploit four styles of hardware parallelism, which are instruction-level, loop-level, thread-level, and function-level parallelism.