13.4 Configuring SmartTime Settings

The SmartTime Options dialog box allows you to change general, analysis, and advanced settings.

13.4.1 Configuring SmartTime General Settings

To configure General settings in the SmartTime Options dialog box:
  1. From the SmartTime Maximum/Minimum Delay Analysis View window, choose Tools > Options.
    The SmartTime Options dialog box appears.
    Figure 13-1. SmartTime Options Dialog Box—General Settings for SmartFusion® 2, IGLOO® 2, and RTG4
    Figure 13-2. SmartTime Options Dialog Box—General Settings for PolarFire®
  2. In the General category, select the settings for the operating conditions. SmartTime performs maximum or minimum delay analysis based on the best, typical, or worst case.
  3. Specify whether you want SmartTime to use inter-clock domains in calculations for timing analysis.
  4. To revert the General settings to their default value, click Restore Defaults.
  5. Change Analysis and Advanced settings as necessary.
  6. When finished, click OK.

13.4.2 Configuring SmartTime Analysis Settings

To configure Analysis settings in the SmartTime Options dialog box:
  1. From the SmartTime Maximum/Minimum Delay Analysis View window, choose Tools > Options.
    The SmartTime Options dialog box appears.
  2. In the left pane, click Analysis.
    Figure 13-3. SmartTime Options Dialog Box—Analysis Settings
  3. Enter a number greater than 1 to specify the maximum number of paths to include in a path set during timing analysis.
  4. Check or uncheck whether to filter the paths by slack value. If you check this box, specify the slack range between the minimum slack and maximum slack.
  5. Check or uncheck whether to include clock network details.
  6. To specify the number of parallel paths in the expanded path, enter a number greater than 1.
  7. To revert the Analysis settings to their default value, click Restore Defaults.
  8. Change General and Advanced settings as necessary.
  9. When finished, click OK.

13.4.3 Configuring SmartTime Advanced Settings

To configure Advanced settings in the SmartTime Options dialog box:
  1. From the SmartTime Maximum/Minimum Delay Analysis View window, choose Tools > Options.
    The SmartTime Options dialog box appears.
  2. In the left pane, click Advanced.
    Figure 13-4. SmartTime Options Dialog Box—Advanced Settings
  3. Specify whether to use loopback in bidirectional buffers (bibufs) and/or break paths at asynchronous pins. Then specify whether to disable non-unate arcs in the clockpath.
  4. To revert the Advanced settings to their default value, click Restore Defaults.
  5. Change General and Analysis settings as necessary.
  6. When finished, click OK.