17.1.3 Constraint Generation

When performing configuration and generation, ensure to write/generate the SDC/PDC/NDC constraint files for the design to pass them to Synthesis, Place-and-Route, and Verify Timing tools.

Use the Derive Constraints utility outside of the Libero environment to generate constraints instead of writing them manually. To use the Derive Constraint utility outside of the Libero environment, you must:

  • Supply user HDL, component HDL, and component SDC constraint files
  • Specify the top level module
  • Specify the location where to generate the derived constraint files

The SDC component constraints are available under <project>/component/work/<component name>/<instance_name>/ directory after component configuration and generation.

For more details on how to generate constraints for your design, see 17.1.9 Appendix C—Derive Constraints.