Aux-info Option

The -aux-info option generates function prototypes from a C module.

The -aux-info main.pro option, for example, prints to main.pro prototyped declarations for all functions declared and/or defined in the module being compiled, including those in header files. Only one source file can be specified on the command line when using this option so that the output file is not overwritten. This option is silently ignored in any language other than C.

The output file also indicates, using comments, the source file and line number of each declaration, whether the declaration was implicit, prototyped or unprototyped. This is done by using the codes I or N for new-style and O for old-style (in the first character after the line number and the colon) and whether it came from a declaration or a definition using the codes C or F (in the following character). In the case of function definitions, a K&R-style list of arguments followed by their declarations is also provided inside comments after the declaration.

For example, compiling with the command:

xc32-gcc -mprocessor=ATSAME70N20B -aux-info test.pro test.c

might produce test.pro containing the following declarations, which can then be edited as necessary:

/* test.c:2:NC */ extern int add (int, int);
/* test.c:7:NF */ extern int rv (int a); /* (a) int a; */
/* test.c:20:NF */ extern int main (void); /* () */