3.4.5 MAC Address Programming

In this demonstration, the user can set the MAC address of the Wi-Fi and Ethernet interfaces of the PIC32MZ2051W1.

In the MAC Address tab, perform the following steps for MAC Address programming:

  1. Set up the connection between the PIC32 WFI32 2.0 Curiosity Board and PC. For more details, refer to Getting Started with MCHPRT3 Tool GUI for PIC32MZ2051W1.
  2. In the MAC Address tab, perform the following steps (see the following figure):
    • Click Read Wifi Address to read the Wi-Fi address.
    • Click Write Wifi Address, then enter the Wi-Fi address, for example, 12:34:56:78:9A:BC.
    • Click Read Ethernet Address to read the Ethernet address.
    • Click Write Ethernet Address, then enter the Ethernet address, for example, 12:34:56:78:9A:BC.
    Figure 3-20. MCHPRT3 PIC32MZ2051W1 GUI for MAC Address Programming