Instruction Frame Transmission Examples
All waveforms in the following examples describe SPI transfers in SPI Clock mode 0 (QSPI_SCR.CPOL = 0 and QSPI_SCR.CPHA = 0; see Serial Clock Phase and Polarity).
All system bus accesses described below refer to the system bus address phase. System bus wait cycles and system bus data phases are not shown.
Example 1:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, without address, without option, without data.
Command: CHIP ERASE (C7h).
- Write 0x0000_00C7 in QSPI_WICR.
- Write 0x0000_0010 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration)
- Write QSPI_CR.STTFR to ‘1’.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 2:
Instruction in Quad SPI, without address, without option, without data.
Command: POWER DOWN (B9h)
- Write 0x0000_00B9 in QSPI_WICR.
- Write 0x0000_0016 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration)
- Write QSPI_CR.STTFR to ‘1’
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 3:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, with address in Single-bit SPI, without option, without data.
Command: BLOCK ERASE (20h)
- Write the address (of the block to erase) in QSPI_IAR.
- Write 0x0000_0020 in QSPI_WICR.
- Write 0x0000_0030 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration)
- Write QSPI_CR.STTFR to ‘1’
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 4:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, without address, without option, with data write in Single-bit SPI.
Command: SET BURST (77h)
- Write 0x0000_0077 in QSPI_WICR.
- Write 0x0000_0090 in QSPI_IFR.
- Write QSPI_WRACNT.NBWRA with the number of bytes to write.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Write data in the system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). The address of system bus write accesses is not used.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.LWRA to rise.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 5:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, with 24-bit address in Dual SPI, without option, with data write in Dual SPI.
Command: BYTE/PAGE PROGRAM (02h)
- Write 0x0000_0002 in QSPI_WICR.
- Write 0x0000_18B3 in QSPI_IFR.
- Write QSPI_WRACNT.NBWRA with the number of bytes to write.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Write data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). The address of the first system bus write access is sent in the instruction frame. The address of the next system bus write accesses is not used.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.LWRA to rise.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 6:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, with 24-bit address in Single-bit SPI, without option, with data read in Quad SPI, with eight dummy cycles.
- Write 0x0000_006B in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x0008_18B2 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Read data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). The address of the first system bus read access is sent in the instruction frame. The address of the next system bus read accesses is not used.
- Wait for QSPI_SR.RBUSY = 0 and QSPI_SR.HIDLE = 1.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 7:
Instruction in Single-bit SPI, with 24-bit address and option in Quad SPI, with data read in Quad SPI, with four dummy cycles, with fetch and continuous read.
Command: FAST READ QUAD I/O (EBh) - 8-BIT OPTION (0x30h)
- Write 0x0030_00EB in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x0004_1BF4 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Read data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). Fetch is enabled, the address of the system bus read accesses is always used.
- Wait for QSPI_SR.RBUSY = 0 and QSPI_SR.HIDLE = 1.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 8:
Instruction in Quad SPI, with 24-bit address in Quad SPI, without option, with data read in Quad SPI, with two dummy cycles, with fetch.
Command: HIGH-SPEED READ (0Bh)
- Write 0x0000_000B in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x0002_08B6 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Read data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). Fetch is enabled, the address of the system bus read accesses is always used.
- Wait for QSPI_SR.RBUSY = 0 and QSPI_SR.HIDLE = 1.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 9:
Instruction in Quad SPI, without address, without option, with data read in Quad SPI, without dummy cycles, without fetch.
Command: Read Status register (05h)
- Write 0x0000_0005 in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x0000_0096 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Read data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). Fetch is disabled.
- Wait for QSPI_SR.RBUSY = 0 and QSPI_SR.HIDLE = 1.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 10:
Instruction in Quad SPI, without address, without option, with data read in Quad SPI, without dummy cycles, without fetch, read launched through the peripheral bus.
Command: Read Status register (05h)
- Set SMRM to ‘1’ and TFRTYP to ‘0’ in QSPI_MR
- Write 0x0000_0005 in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x0100_0096 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.STTFR.
- Wait for flag RDRF and Read data in the QSPI_RDR register. Fetch is disabled.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
- Read data in the QSPI_RDR register.
Example 11:
Instruction in Octal Twin-Quad SPI, with 24-bit address in Octal Twin-Quad SPI, without option, with data read in Octal Twin-Quad SPI, with two dummy cycles, with fetch.
Command: HIGH-SPEED READ (0Bh)
- Write 0x0000_000B in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x1002_18B9 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Read data in the QSPI system bus memory space (0x20000000-0x30000000). Fetch is enabled, the address of the system bus read accesses is always used.
- Wait for QSPI_SR.RBUSY = 0 and QSPI_SR.HIDLE = 1’.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 12:
Instruction in Octal Twin-Quad SPI, without address, without option, with data read in Octal Twin-Quad SPI, without dummy cycles, without fetch, read launched through the peripheral bus.
Command: Read Status register (05h)
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_MR.SMRM and a ‘0’ to TFRTYP.
- Write 0x0000_0005 in QSPI_RICR.
- Write 0x1100_0099 in QSPI_IFR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.STTFR.
- Wait flag RDRF and Read data in the QSPI_RDR register. Fetch is disabled.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
- Read data in the QSPI_RDR register.
Example 13:
Classic HyperFlash command. Instruction in Octal DDR SPI, HyperFlash mode, without option, with data write, without dummy cycles, without fetch, write launched through the peripheral bus.
Command: Data 0xAA at address 0x555
- Write 0x36C0_8099 in QSPI_IFR.
- Write 0x555 to QSPI_IADR.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Wait QSPI_ISR.TDRE flag.
- Write 0xAA to QSPI_TDR.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.
Example 14:
Classic HyperFlash command. Instruction in Octal DDR SPI, HyperFlash mode, without option, with data write, without dummy cycles, without fetch, write launched through the system bus interface.
Command: Data 0xAA at address 0x555
- Write 0x3640_8099 in QSPI_IFR.
- Write 0x01 in QSPI_WRACNT.
- Update Configuration (see Updating the QSPI Configuration).
- Write data 0xAA (byte access) in the QSPI system bus memory space with LSB address bytes = 0x555 (0x20000000-0x30000000).
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.LWRA to rise.
- Write a ‘1’ to QSPI_CR.LASTXFR.
- Wait for QSPI_ISR.CSRA to rise.