Timing Engine Power-Down Software Operation

The following sequence disables the display:

  1. If the MIPI output interface is selected and if the display supports the shutdown command, turn off the display by writing a one to LCDC_LCDDIS.SDDIS.
  2. If the MIPI output interface is selected and if the display supports the shutdown command, poll LCDC_LCDSR.SDSTS to check that the shutdown signal output is one.
  3. Disable LCDC_DISP by writing DISPDIS in the Disable register (LCDC_LCDDIS).
  4. Poll LCDC_LCDSR.DISPSTS to verify that LCDC_DISP is no longer enabled.
  5. Disable the HSYNC and VSYNC signals by writing a one to LCDC_LCDDIS.SYNCDIS.
  6. Poll LCDC_LCDSR.LCDSTS to check that the synchronization is off.
  7. Disable the pixel clock by writing a one to LCDC_LCDDIS.CLKDIS.