Timing Engine Power-Up Software Operation

The following sequence enables the display:

  1. Configure the LCD timing parameters, signal polarity and clock period in LCDC_LCDCFGx.
  2. Enable the pixel clock by writing a one to CLKEN in the Enable register (LCDC_LCDEN).
  3. Poll CLKSTS in the Status register (LCDC_LCDSR) to check that the clock is running.
  4. Enable horizontal and vertical synchronization by writing a one to LCDC_LCDEN.SYNCEN.
  5. Poll LCDC_LCDSR.LCDSTS to check that the synchronization is up.
  6. Enable the display power signal by writing a one to LCDC_LCDEN.DISPEN.
  7. Poll LCDC_LCDSR.DISPSTS to check that the power signal is activated.
  8. If the MIPI output interface is selected and if the display supports the shutdown command, turn on the display by writing a one to LCDC_LCDEN.SDEN.
  9. If the MIPI output interface is selected and if the display supports the shutdown command, poll LCDC_LCDSR.SDSTS to check that the shutdown signal output is zero.

LCDC_LCDCFG5.GUARDTIME is used to configure the number of frames before the assertion of the signal LCDC_DISP.