

typedef struct GATT_EvtDiscCharResp_T
    uint16_t    connHandle;
    uint8_t     attrPairLength;
    uint16_t    attrDataLength;
    uint8_t     procedureStatus;
}   GATT_EvtDiscCharResp_T;

Field Documentation

connHandleConnection handle associated with this connection.
attrPairLengthLength of each handle-value pair in the list.
attrDataLengthTotal length of attribute data list.
attrDataAttribute data list. Consists of handle-value pairs in following format: <2-byte Characteristic declaration handle> <1-byte Characteristic property> <2-byte Value Handle> <Characteristic UUID> To extract the Characteristic property data see Characteristic property Characteristic UUID may be 16-bit or 128-bit in length. Multiple Handle-value pairs received in a single event have the same characteristic UUID length Number of handle-value pairs = (attrDataLength/attrPairLength Note that the format of the data is little endian.
procedureStatusDiscover All Characteristics procedure may not finish in one ATT request. Status indicates if further events are expected. See Procedure status definition.