10.2.2 Import the false_path Verilog File and Add Constraints
For this tutorial, you will import
the false_path.v Verilog
source file into your design, and then run Libero SoC.To import the Verilog source
From the File menu, choose Import > HDL
Source Files.
Browse to the location of the false_path.v you saved and select it. Click
Open to import the file.
Verify that the file appears in Design Hierarchy.
In the Design Flow window, double-click Synthesize to
run synthesis.
A green check mark appears when the Synthesis step completes
Expand Edit Constraints.
Right-click Timing Constraints and choose
Open Interactively.
Double-click Manage Constraints.
Select the Timing tab.
Expand the Edit with Constraint Editor sub-menu, and
select Edit Place and Route Constraints.
The Constraints Editor appears.
Double-click Requirements: Clock.
The Create Clock Constraint dialog box appears.
Double click the Browse button for Clock
Source, select CLK, and assign it a name
(for example, clk).
Set the frequency to 100 MHz.
Figure 10-24. Clock Constraint of
100 MHz
Click OK to return to the Constraints Editor and observe
that the clock information has been filled in, as shown in the following
Figure 10-25. Clock Constraint of 100 MHz in false_path design
Save your changes (File > Save) and close the
Constraints Editor (File > Close).
In the Constraint Manager, check the check boxes under Place and
Route and Timing Verification to
associate the constraint file to both tools. The constraint file is used for
both Place and Route and Timing verification.
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.