10.1 Tutorial 1 - 32-Bit Shift Register with Clock Enable

This tutorial describes how to enter a clock constraint for the 32-bit shift register on SmartFusion2 device.

You will use the SmartTime Constraints Editor and perform post-layout timing analysis using the SmartTime Timing Analyzer.
Figure 10-1. 32-bit Shift Register

To set up your project:

  1. Invoke Libero SoC. From the Project menu, choose New Project.
  2. Type sf2_shift32 for your new project name and browse to a folder for your project location.
  3. Select Verilog as the Preferred HDL Type.
  4. Leave all other settings at their default values.
    Figure 10-2. New Project Creation - 32 Bit Shift Register
  5. Click Next to go to Device Selection page. Make the following selection from the pull-down menus:
    • Family: SmartFusion2
    • Die: M2S090TS
    • Package: 484 FBGA
    • Speed: STD
    • Core Voltage: 1.2 V
    • Range: COM
    Figure 10-3. Selections from Pull-down Menus
  6. Click the M2S090TS-1FG484 part number and click .
  7. Accept the default settings in the Device Settings page and click Next.
  8. Accept the default settings in the Design Template page and click Next.
  9. Click Next to go to the Add Constraints page.
  10. Since you are not adding any constraints, click Finish to exit the New Project Creation wizard.
  11. To add a new HDL file, select File> New> HDL.
    The Create a new HDL file dialog box appears.
  12. Name the HDL file shift_reg32 as shown below and click OK.
    Figure 10-4. Create a New HDL File Dialog Box
  13. Copy the following code and paste it into the Verilog file:

    module shift32 ( Q,CLK,D,EN,RESET); input D,EN,CLK,RESET;

    output[31:0] Q; reg [31:0] Q_int;

    assign Q=Q_int;

    always@ (posedge CLK) begin


    Q_int<=0; else begin if(EN)

    Q_int<={Q_int[30:0],D}; end

    end endmodule

  14. Check the HDL file to confirm there are no syntax errors.
  15. Confirm that the shift_reg32 design appears in the Design Hierarchy window, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 10-5. shift_reg32 in the Design Hierarchy Window
  16. In the Design Flow window, double-click Synthesize to run Synplify Pro with default settings.
    A green check mark appears next to Synthesize when Synthesis is successful, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 10-6. Synthesis and Compile Complete - 32-Bit Shift Register with Clock Enable