6.5 MPBT DUT Test Board Design

The IS1870 MPBT test includes the following items:

Table 6-1. IS1870 MPBT Test Item Description

Design Under Test

Test Pin



P22, P23, P11, P12, P13, P00, P10, P36, P31, P32, P33, P34, P35, P07, P24, P27

GPIO open/short test



Power measurement and calibration

RF test

RTX (RF test point on matching path)

  1. Use RF test probe fixed on PCB.
  2. Contact the RF test point and ground during test.
  3. Bypass or shield the RF antenna during test.



LED (Red)

Mode control


Mode control

The following figure illustrates the block diagram of DUT test board.

Figure 6-6. DUT Test Board Block Diagram

The following figure illustrates the IS1870/IS1871 MPBT test board circuit. The DUT socket connects all the test interfaces to include RF test point, PMU test points, audio input/output test points and control interface.

Figure 6-7. IS1870 DUT MPBT Test Board Circuit

The following figure illustrates the MPBT test fixture connection that includes the DUT test board PCB, socket, Victoria board (AC102013) and I2S adapter board.

Figure 6-8. MPBT Test Fixture Connection Diagram
Note: The user can order the AC102013 from Microchip. To perform a digital audio test (if required), contact the local FAE for the I2S adapter board circuit, BOM and Gerber file.

The following illustration is a sample MPBT test fixture that includes the DUT test board PCB, socket and Victoria board (AC102013).

Figure 6-9. MPBT Test Fixture Example
Note: During testing, use the antenna shield copper paper to minimize the RF power leakage to the antenna path.
The following figure shows the antenna shield copper area on DUT socket, which minimizes the RF power leakage to the antenna during the MPBT RF test. Place the RF test probe on the DUT RF test point position.
Figure 6-10. DUT Socket RF Test Probe and Shielding