6.1 Mass Production Tool

There are four tools for mass production:
  • User Interface (UI) – To edit the EEPROM UI table and generate the *.hex file.
  • Mass Production Script Editor (MPSE) – To integrate the test condition and calibration level of the test item to the *.msf file for the Mass Production Board Level Test (MPBT) tool. Test items include RF and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU).

    The Flash downloads the *.hex file for the Mass Production Multi-Flash (MPMF) tool. The MPSE tool merges this file.

  • Mass Production Board Level Test (MPBT) – To define the test environment and perform the MP test.
  • Mass Production Multi-Flash (MPMF) – To perform the EEPROM and Flash download on the multi-site.
The following figure describes the MP tool execution flow:
  • UI tool edits the UI table and generates the *.hex file.
  • MPSE tool edits the script file (*.msf) by defining the test condition and calibration level for the MPBT tool and merging the Flash hex file for the MPMF tool.
  • In the production line, the MPMF tool and the test fixture include the dedicated *.msf file for the Flash download.
  • MPBT tool includes a dedicated *.msf file and the test fixture for the MP test.
Figure 6-1. MP Tool Execution Flow
Note: Microchip’s dedicated turnkey application code may release the Flash code.