3.4.5 PLC Coupling

The PL360MB evaluation board supports a set of PLC coupling boards, PLCOUPxxx, with the aim of easing the testing of different coupling reference designs while requiring only one PL360MB board. Furthermore, this functionality allows the same base board to cover several frequency bands by using the proper coupling board and firmware configuration. Table 3-20 summarizes the main features of the available PLCOUPxxx boards.

Figure 3-10. Example of PLCOUPxxx Coupling Board Compatible with PL360MB
Table 3-20. Characteristics of PLCOUPxxx Boards
Board NameDescriptionFrequency
 Band (kHz)BranchElectrical
 BandApplicable Regulation
PLCOUP002G3 ARIB & PRIME ARIB (Channels 4 to 7) compliant206 – 417DoubleYes4, 5, 6, 7G3 ARIBARIB [STD-T84 Ver 1.0]
PLCOUP006G3 FCC & PRIME FCC (Channels 3 to 8) and KN60 compliant151 – 472DoubleYes3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8G3 FCCFCC [part 15 – 91905]
PLCOUP007G3 CEN-A & PRIME CEN-A compliant35 – 91SingleYes1G3 CEN-ACEN-A [EN50065]
PLCOUP008Non-Isolated G3 CEN-A & PRIME CEN-A compliant35 – 91SingleNo1G3 CEN-ACEN-A [EN50065]
PLCOUP011G3 CEN-A, G3 FCC, PRIME CEN-A & PRIME FCC (Channels 3 to 8) compliant35 – 91 & 151 - 472DoubleYes1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8G3 CEN-A & G3 FCCCEN-A [EN50065]
PLCOUP012Low cost with internal driver G3 CEN-B compliant95 - 125SingleYes2G3 CEN-BCEN-B [EN50065]
PLCOUP013Ultra low cost with internal driver and non-Isolated G3 CEN-B compliant95 - 125SingleNo2G3 CEN-BCEN-B [EN50065]
PLCOUP014G3 CEN-B compliant95 - 125SingleYes2G3 CEN-BCEN-B [EN50065]

As shown in Figure 3-11, PL360MB has the possibility of disconnecting the PLC signal from the mains grid and connecting it to the BNC port, J11. This can be done by means of removing R12 and R13 and adding R88 and R89. This allows the possibility of using a dedicated communication channel for the PLC signal and eases the realization of certain PLC performance measurements.

Figure 3-11. PLC Coupling Schematic on PL360MB including headers for PLCOUPxxx boards