8.9.2 Resolving Conflicts in Revision Controlled Files

Inevitably, conflicts will arise between a file you are trying to check in and the same file in the revision system repository that others have modified.

To understand how these issues can be resolved, see the example below.

Example: Conflict in configurations.xml

To resolve conflicts on the file configurations.xml:

  1. Conflicts will be announced in:
    1. warning dialogs
    2. the output window
  2. Click on the Files tab in the Projects window. Expand the nbproject folder. Find the file named configurations.xml. It should be in red font, signifying conflicts.
  3. Right click on configurations.xml and select RCS > Resolve Conflicts, where RCS is your revision control system. This opens the Merge Conflicts Resolver window.
  4. The Merge Conflicts Resolver window allows you to fix conflicts.
  5. After fixing the errors, close the project. If the right click context menu for the project does not work, close the project using File > Close Project.
  6. Reopen the project. The conflicts should be resolved.