2.10.11 Clock
As with RAM configuration, the RCLK and WCLK pins have independent polarity selection.
The following figure shows a logic block diagram of the Axcelerator FIFO module.
The following table lists the FIFO signals and their descriptions.
Signal | Direction | Description |
WCLK | Input | Write clock (active either edge) |
FWEN | Input | FIFO write enable. When this signal is asserted, the WD bus data is latched into the FIFO, and the internal write counters are incremented. |
WD[N-1:0] | Input | Write data bus. The value N is dependent on the RAM configuration and can be 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36. |
FULL | Output | Active high signal indicating that the FIFO is FULL. When this signal is set, additional write requests are ignored. |
AFULL | Output | Active high signal indicating that the FIFO is AFULL |
AFVAL | Input | 8-bit input defining the AFULL value of the FIFO |
RCLK | Input | Read clock (active either edge) |
FREN | Input | FIFO read enable |
RD[N-1:0] | Output | Read data bus. The value N is dependent on the RAM configuration and can be 1, 2, 4, 9, 18, or 36. |
EMPTY | Output | Empty flag indicating that the FIFO is EMPTY. When this signal is asserted, attempts to read the FIFO will be ignored. |
AEMPTY | Output | Active high signal indicating that the FIFO is AEMPTY |
AEVAL | Input | 8-bit input defining the almost-empty value of the FIFO |
PIPE | Input | Sets the pipe option on or off |
CLR | Input | Active high clear input |
DEPTH | Input | Determines the depth of the FIFO and the number of FIFOs to be cascaded |
WIDTH | Input | Determines the width of the dataword/FIFO, and the number of the FIFOs to be cascaded |