ICSP Target Connection

Note: Refer to the data sheet for the device you are using as well as the application notes and the specific interface for additional information and diagrams.

Using the RJ-45 connector, the MPLAB ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator is connected to the target device with a modular interface (6 or 8 conductor) cable. If the 6-pin cable is used, connections 7 (TMS) and 8 (TDI) are not available. The pin numbering for the connector is shown from the bottom of the target PCB in the figure below.

Note: Cable connections on the debugger and target are mirror images of each other, that is, pin 1 on one end of the cable is connected to pin 6 or 8 on the other end of the cable.
Figure 3-25. Standard Connection at Target

Using the Single In-Line (SIL) connector, the MPLAB ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator is connected to the target device with a ribbon interface (6 or 8 conductor) cable. If the 6-pin cable is used, connections 7 (TMS) and 8 (TDI) are not available. The pin numbering for the connector is shown from the target PCB in the figure below.

Figure 3-26. SIL Connection at Target