Web Browser Options

Sets options for both the internal Web browser and Internet Explorer. To access this dialog box, click Options on the Tools menu, expand the Environment folder, and select Web Browser.

Note: Depending on your active settings or edition, the dialog boxes and menu commands you see might differ from those described in Help. Choose Import and Export Settings on the Tools menu to change your settings.

Opening certain files or components from the Web can execute code on your computer.

Home Page

Sets the page displayed when you open the Integrated Development Environment Web Browser.

Search Page

Lets you designate a Search page for the internal Web browser. This location can differ from the search page used by instances of Internet Explorer initiated outside of the integrated development environment (IDE).

View Source In

Sets the editor used to open a Web page when you choose View Source from the internal Web browser.

Source Editor

Select to view source in the Code and Text Editor.

HTML Editor

Select to view the source in the HTML Designer. Use this selection to edit the Web page in one of two views: The design view or the standard text-based Source view.

External Editor

Select to view the source in another editor. Specify the path of any editor you choose, for example, Notepad.exe.

Internet Explorer Options

Click to change options for Internet Explorer in the Internet Properties dialog box. Changes in this dialog box affect both the internal Web browser and instances of Internet Explorer initiated outside of the Microchip Studio IDE (for example, from the Start menu).