Find and Replace

Use this page of the Options dialog box to control message boxes and other aspects of a find and replace operation. You can access this dialog box from the Tools menu by clicking Options, expanding Environment, and clicking Find and Replace. If this page does not appear in the list, select Show all settings in the Options dialog box.

Display Informational Messages

Select this option to display all Find and Replace informational messages having the “Always show this message” option. For example, if you chose not to show the message 'Find reached the starting point of the search.', selecting this option would cause this informational message to appear again when you use Find and Replace.

Clear this option if you do not want to see any informational messages for Find and Replace.

When you have cleared the “Always show this message” option on some but not all, Find and Replace informational messages, the Display informational messages checkbox appears to be filled but not selected. To restore all optional Find and Replace messages, clear this option and then select it again.

Note: This option does not affect any Find and Replace informational messages that do not display the “Always show this message” option.

Display Warning Messages

Select this option to display all cautionary Find and Replace messages having the “Always show this message” option. For example, if you choose not to show the Replace All warning message appearing when you attempt to make replacements in files not currently opened for editing. Selecting this option would cause this warning message to appear again when you try to Replace All.

Clear this option if you do not want to see any informational messages for Find and Replace.

When you have cleared the “Always show this message” option on some, but not all, Find and Replace warning messages, the Display warning messages checkbox appears to be filled but not selected. Clear this option and reselect it to restore all optional Find and Replace messages..

Note: This option does not affect any Find and Replace warning messages that do not display the “Always show this message” option.

Automatically Populate Find What With Text From the Editor

Select this option to paste the text on either side of the current editor's insertion point into the Find what field when selecting any view of the Find and Replace Window window from the Edit menu. Clear this option to use the last search pattern from the previous search as the Find what string.

Hide Find and Replace Window After a Match is Located for Quick Find or Quick Replace

Select this option to automatically close the Find and Replace window when the first match is found for Quick Find. To go to the next match, use the shortcut key for Edit.FindNext, usually F3, or display the Find and Replace window again.