Import and Export Settings

Use this page of the Options dialog box to set preferences for saving settings files and specify whether or not to use team settings files stored on a server. You can access this dialog box by selecting Options from the Tools menu and choosing the Import and Export Settings page from the Environment folder.


Select “Show all settings” in the Options dialog box if this page does not appear in the list.

Note: The options available in dialog boxes and the names and locations of menu commands you see might differ from what is described in Help, depending on your active settings or edition. This Help page was written with General Development Settings in mind. Choose Import and Export Settings on the Tools menu to change your settings.

Automatically Load and Save Settings

Automatically save my settings to this file:

Displays the location and name of the .vssettings file you are currently using. Any changes you have made, such as moving windows or changing option selections, are saved to the current file when you close the IDE. The next time you start the IDE, your settings are loaded.

Team Settings

Use team settings file:

When selected, this allows you to navigate to a shared .vssettings file using the Browse button. This settings file is automatically re-applied each time Microchip Studio detects if a newer version is available.

Note: Specify the location of the team settings file as a UNC path or local path. URLs and other protocols are not supported paths.