4.18 Trace

In Microchip Studio, the Trace is provided on a plug-in basis, which means that different plugins, separate from the core of Microchip Studio, will be the providers of the various graphic views to visualize Trace.

In the realm of the Trace, there is some terminology that describes the different Trace sources that a device and tool combination supports. These high-level source names are mapped to various architecture-specific Trace sources.

The following sections will describe some of the high-level Trace sources available and how they are mapped to the target architecture. A high-level description of the different sources only will be given, as the device-specific details are available in the respective data sheet.

Note: The architecture for discovering Trace capabilities in Microchip Studio is based on what the chip itself reports, meaning that a debug session needs to be running to probe the capabilities. When activating a Trace source, Microchip Studio might fail if the device does not support the source that was asked for during launch.